The potato is a native of South and Central America and was brought to Europe by Spanish Conquistadors and English explorers. The potato was distrusted at first by Europeans and either used as fodder for animals, or considered food for peasants. However, it was eventually recognised that the potato was not only a more reliable and hardier crop than wheat, but it could also yield up to three times more calories per acre, and as such the potato was a major contributor to the 18th century surge in the European population. From Europe, the potato spread to Africa and Asia through European colonisation and trade.
Potatoes have since become a staple of every cuisine and can be steamed, boiled, fried and baked in endless variety and feature in salads, soups, stews and casseroles. Technically, potatoes can be eaten raw, but they are unpalatable and contain compounds that can cause nausea and headaches, so are best eaten cooked.
There are dozens of potato varieties available from greengrocers and farmers’ markets, each with their own culinary qualities, but you’ll generally find only a limited range in your supermarket – either white or red. Potatoes can also be found in a wide variety of preparations in the supermarket freezer and on the shelf.
Potatoes have come into disfavour as high in carbs. However, most of the excess calories in potato dishes are more likely to come from the frying oil and rich toppings than from the potato itself. Potatoes are actually cholesterol-free, rich in fibre, vitamins C and B6 and potassium. Different types of potatoes contain different amounts of nutrients and in general, the darker the potato, the more antioxidants it contains.
You’ll find a wide range of potato recipes on this website. Potatoes feature in several recipes in the entry Cooking in Bulk: Soups and Vegetable Medleys.
As small potatoes are handy to have in the fridge, they are included as Crisper Essentials. I have included a few quick side dishes for small potatoes, while several of the following recipes can also be made with two small potatoes.
Potatoes are also useful to have on hand in the form of canned new potatoes (see Standby Veg: Canned New Potatoes) or as instant mashed potatoes (See Standby Veg: Instant Mashed Potatoes), so you’ll find many recipes for both which could be adapted for fresh potatoes.
Alternatively, you could use ‘Search’ to find all the recipes that contain potatoes on this website.
Baked Potato Wedges with Dipping Sauce
Quick Side Dishes
§ Halve 1 small potato along long axis. Place halves cut side down and slice but not all the way through. Spray with oil and sprinkle with garlic granules. Microwave on high for 6–8 minutes.
§ Peel (optional) and cube 1 small potato. Place in a large mug with ¼ cup water. Cover and microwave on high for 5–7 minutes. Drain and toss in 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, pepper, parsley and chives while still hot. (Variation: toss in 1–2 tsp. basil pesto and a little olive oil.)
§ Peel (optional) and finely slice 1 small potato. Spray a small pie dish with oil. Spread potato slices in pie dish. Sprinkle with ½ tsp. chicken stock powder, pepper and parsley. Pour on 2 tbsp. water. Cover and microwave on high for 5–7 minutes.
§ Peel and cube 1 small potato. Place in a large mug with ½ tbsp. margarine or butter, dried onion, garlic granules, oregano, pepper and paprika. Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Stir then cover and microwave on high for a further 5–7 minutes, stirring at least once.
Microwave Baked Potato
- 1 large potato, thoroughly washed
- 1/3 cup shredded mozzarella
- 1 tbsp. diced tomatoes (or 2–3 cherry tomatoes, quartered)
- 1 tbsp. diced bacon
- Shredded Parmesan cheese
- Dried onion, garlic granules and parsley
- Olive or canola oil
- Prick potato all over with a fork
- Rub potato skin with oil
- Microwave for 7–9 minutes depending on size
- Cut potato down the middle but not all the way down to the bottom
- Fluff up flesh with a fork
- Place mozzarella in the cavity and top with tomatoes and bacon
- Sprinkle with parsley, spices and shredded Parmesan cheese
- Microwave for a further 1–2 minutes or place under a griller for 5 minutes
Variation: substitute 1/3 cup mushrooms, sautéed, for the tomato and bacon
Baked Potato Wedges with Dipping Sauce
- 1 large potato, thoroughly washed
- Garlic granules, dried onion and paprika or chilli
- 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
- 1 tbsp. natural yoghurt
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- Chives, parsley and pepper
- Olive or canola oil
- Cut potato into wedges about 50–75mm wide
- Dry wedges with paper towels
- In a large bowl, toss wedges in oil, garlic granules, dried onion and paprika
- Line an oven tray with baking paper
- Spread wedges on oven tray, making sure they don’t touch
- Place potato wedges in a pre-heated hot (200–220°C) oven
- Turn after 15–20 minutes and bake for a further 10–20 minutes as required
- To make sauce, whip together, mayonnaise, natural yoghurt, lemon juice, chives, parsley and pepper
Microwave Scalloped Potato
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- 1 tbsp. butter or margarine
- 2 tbsp. diced bacon (optional)
- ½ cup low-fat milk
- 2 tsp. cornflour
- ½ tsp. chicken stock powder
- Parsley and paprika (optional)
- Shredded Parmesan cheese (optional)
- Peeled and thinly slice the potato
- Place onion, diced bacon (optional) and butter in a small ceramic/glass pie dish and microwave for 30 seconds or until butter melts
- Add potato, toss to cover with butter and spread out
- Dissolve cornflour in cold milk and stir in chicken stock powder
- Pour milk over potato
- Microwave on high for 5 minutes, stir and repeat at least twice until potato is tender (approx. 15 minutes in all)
- Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, parsley and paprika for serving (optional) and allow potatoes to rest for 5 minutes
- Place under a griller for 5 minutes to brown (optional)
Potato Frittata
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- ¼ cup shredded mozzarella
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp. low-fat milk
- 1 tbsp. (plus) shredded Parmesan cheese
- Garlic granules, dried onion, pepper and parsley
- Oil spray
- Peel and cube the potato
- Boil or steam potato until tender (10–15 minutes)
- Drain thoroughly
- Spray a small pie dish with oil
- Add potato and mozzarella, mix and spread out
- Beat egg with spices, Parmesan cheese and milk
- Pour egg mixture evenly over potato
- Sprinkle with more Parmesan (optional)
- Bake in a hot (200°C) toaster oven for 20 minutes
Variation: stir a thawed portion of frozen spinach into egg at Step 5
Fried Potato with Bacon
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- 2 tbsp. diced bacon
- Rosemary, garlic and pepper
- Shredded Parmesan cheese (optional)
- Olive or canola oil
- Peel (optional) and cube potato
- Boil for 10 minutes or until potato is cooked but still firm, drain and set aside
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with pepper and garlic
- Add bacon and sauté
- Return potato to saucepan with rosemary and sauté until browned
- Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (optional)
Creamed Potato
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- 1 tbsp. butter or margarine
- Pepper, paprika and parsley
- 1 tsp. cornflour
- ½ cup low-fat milk
- 1 tbsp. shredded Parmesan cheese
- Peel (optional) and cube potato
- Boil for 10 minutes or until potato is cooked but still firm, drain and set aside
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion in butter with pepper and paprika
- Dissolve cornflour in milk
- Add milk with Parmesan cheese and parsley
- Gently bring to the boil and simmer until thickened
- Stir in potato and simmer until tender
Potato and Capsicum Stew
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- ½ cup red capsicum, sliced
- 3–4 cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- Pepper, chilli or paprika and garlic
- Parsley
- Olive or canola oil
- Peel and cube the potato
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with spices
- Stir in vegetables with lemon juice
- Cover and cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally and adding a little water if necessary, for 30 minutes or until the potato is tender
- Sprinkle with parsley
Variation: use a small/medium potato and add 1/3 cup frozen peas
Spicy Fried Potato
- 1 medium/large potato (or 2 small potatoes)
- 2 tbsp. chopped onion
- ¼ cup red capsicum, chopped
- Garlic, mild curry powder, paprika or chilli
- Canola oil
- Peel and cube the potato
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and spices
- Add capsicum and sauté
- Add potato and sauté to heat through
- Add ¼ cup water and simmer, stirring occasionally until the potato is tender and the water is reduced (approx. 20 minutes)