Having been brought to Australia by British settlers, the lamb chop is virtually our national dish and no Australia Day barbecue is complete without some. Lamb also features significantly in the cuisines of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East which have also made substantial contributions to Australian cuisine in the last few decades. It can also play a major role in your diet after stomach surgery.
Lamb is a good source of high-quality protein and so can be beneficial if you have a reduced stomach capacity and now require a high-protein diet to support wound healing, preserve muscle mass, and promote overall health. Lamb also provides essential amino acids necessary for tissue repair and maintenance as well as important nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are crucial for energy production, immune function and neurological health.
As with all red meat, lamb should be eaten in moderation. Some cuts of lamb do carry quite a bit of fat, which can be removed (though perhaps after cooking since the fat does add to the meat’s taste and tenderness.) However, lean cuts of lamb are also available. Most of the following recipes are designed for small portions (100–125gm) of lean diced lamb. Some can also be made with minced lamb which is available in most supermarkets.
Almost all recipes can also be made entirely with vegetables from the Standby Vegetables and Crisper Essentials range.
Unfortunately, lamb has become quite expensive lately, especially favourite cuts like midloin chops and cutlets. However, there are alternatives. I have included one recipe, Traditional Irish Stew, which is the ideal way to cook one of the most inexpensive lamb cuts, the forequarter chop. Another inexpensive lamb cut you might consider, especially if you happen to have a slow cooker, is the lamb shank, which has become quite popular lately.
You’ll usually be able to buy lean lamb already diced. If you do buy it in steaks or fillets, I have found it easier to dice meat semi-frozen. I usually freeze my lamb in small portions in resealable snack bags. In such small portions, it can be quickly thawed by dunking the packet in hot water, and, if it’s a consideration for you, the snack bags can be washed and reused.
If you do enjoy a couple of lamb chops or cutlets, you can find out how to give them a flavour and/or vegetable boost by consulting the entry: Dressing up the Protein.
Baked Lamb with Carrot and Potatoes
Navarin of Lamb
- 100–125gm diced or minced lamb
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- ¼ cup carrot, chopped
- ¼ cup frozen peas
- ¼ cup diced tomatoes (or 2 tsp. tomato paste and ¼ cup water)
- ½ tsp. chicken stock powder
- 2 tbsp. small macaroni or elbows
- Garlic, pepper and parsley
- Olive oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and pepper
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add carrot and peas and sauté until heated through
- Add diced tomatoes with stock powder and parsley
- Add ¼ cup boiling water with macaroni
- Simmer for 12–15 minutes, stirring occasionally
Variation: substitute ½ cup canned potatoes for pasta. Instead of Steps 5 & 6, simmer for 10 minutes, adding a little water if necessary. Add potatoes and simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Lamb Cacciatore
- 100–125gm diced or minced lamb
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ cup red capsicum and mushrooms, sliced
- ½ cup diced tomatoes
- 1 tsp. soy sauce
- 2 tbsp. small macaroni or elbows
- Garlic, chilli or paprika and pepper
- Parsley, basil and oregano
- Olive oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and spices
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add capsicum and mushrooms and sauté
- Stir in diced tomatoes with herbs and soy sauce
- Add macaroni with ½ cup boiling water
- Simmer for 12–15 minutes, stirring occasionally
Lamb Moussaka Hotpot
- 100–125gm diced or minced lamb
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ cup eggplant, peeled and diced
- ½ cup diced tomatoes
- ½ cup canned potatoes
- Garlic, chilli or paprika and basil
- Olive oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and chilli or paprika
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add eggplant and sauté until golden
- Add tomatoes with basil and sauté
- Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
- Add canned potatoes and simmer for a further 5–7 minutes
Variation: substitute a small potato, peeled and cubed for the canned potatoes. Add at Step 4 and simmer until the potato is tender.
Lamb and Peas Pilau
- 100–125gm minced lamb
- ½ cup frozen peas (or frozen mixed vegetables)
- 1 tbsp. chopped onion
- 2 tbsp. rice
- Garlic, pepper, Chinese 5-Spice, coriander and ginger
- 1 tbsp. natural yoghurt (optional)
- Canola oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onions with garlic and spices
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add peas with ¼ cup water and simmer for 10 minutes
- Add ½ cup boiling water with rice and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally
- Remove from heat and stir in yoghurt (optional)
Lamb Curry
- 100–125gm diced or minced lamb
- 2 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ cup diced tomatoes
- ½ cup canned potatoes
- ½ tsp. chicken stock powder
- Mild curry powder, chilli, garlic and ginger
- Canola oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and spices
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add diced tomatoes with stock powder and simmer for 5 minutes
- Add potatoes and simmer for a further 5 minutes adding a little water if necessary
Lamb Korma
- 100–125gm diced or minced lamb
- 1 x 165ml can light coconut milk
- 2 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ tsp. chicken stock powder
- Garlic, mild curry powder, pepper and ginger
- 2 tsp. tomato paste
- 1 tbsp. natural yoghurt (optional)
- Canola oil
- 1 single-serve microwave rice (optional)
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with garlic and spices
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add coconut milk with tomato paste and stock powder
- Simmer for 20–30 minutes adding a little more water if required
- Remove from heat and stir in yoghurt (optional)
- Serve on rice microwaved as per the instructions (optional)
Variation: for a low-fat option, thoroughly blend 2 tbsp. almond meal with 2/3 cup water in a bullet blender and substitute for the coconut milk
Traditional Irish Stew
- 1–2 lamb chops, fat removed
- 1 small potato, peeled and sliced
- 2 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ cup coleslaw mix
- 2 tsp. soy sauce
- 2 tsp. tomato paste
- 1 tsp. cornflour
- Pepper and parsley
- Olive or canola oil
- Brown chop in oil in a saucepan
- Dissolve cornflour in a little cold water, add soy sauce, tomato paste, parsley and pepper and top up with boiling water to 1 cup
- Pour mixture over chop and simmer for 20–30 minutes, turning chop occasionally and adding water if required
- Place vegetables over chop and add water to just cover
- Simmer for a further 30–40 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding water if required
Quick Irish Stew
- 100–125gm diced lamb
- 1 small potato, peeled and cubed
- 2 tbsp. chopped onion
- ½ cup coleslaw mix
- 2 tsp. soy sauce
- 2 tsp. tomato paste
- Pepper and parsley
- Olive or canola oil
- In a small saucepan, sauté onion with pepper
- Add lamb and sauté until browned
- Add ¾ cup boiling water with soy sauce, tomato paste and parsley
- Add vegetables and simmer until potato is tender, 20–30 minutes
Baked Lamb with Carrot and Potatoes
- 100–125gm diced lamb
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- Rosemary, pepper and garlic
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- ½ cup canned potatoes, halved
- ½ cup carrot, cubed (or sweet potato)
- Mix olive oil, lemon juice, rosemary, garlic and pepper
- Marinate lamb in mixture for 15–30 minutes
- Place lamb and vegetables in an oven proof dish and toss in a little of the marinade
- Cover with aluminium foil (optional) and bake in pre-heated moderate (175°C) toaster oven for 30 minutes
- Uncover and bake for a further 10–15 minutes (optional)
Variation: substitute ¼ cup frozen peas for the carrot or the potatoes
Microwave method: at Step 3 place lamb and vegetables (excluding canned potatoes) in a microwave proof dish and instead of Steps 4–5, cover tightly but with some venting, and microwave on high for 4–5 minutes. Let stand for 1–2 minutes.
Baked Lamb with Yoghurt
- 100–125gm diced lamb
- ½ cup natural yoghurt
- 1 tsp. dried mint (or oregano)
- Garlic and pepper
- Oregano and garlic granules
- ½ cup red capsicum, sliced
- ½ cup mushrooms, halved
- Olive oil
- Whisk yoghurt with mint, garlic and pepper
- Marinate lamb in half the yoghurt mixture for 15–30 minutes
- Pour a thin layer of oil into a small pie dish
- Remove lamb from marinade and place in pie dish with vegetables
- Sprinkle with oregano, pepper and garlic granules and toss in oil
- Cover with aluminium foil (optional) and bake in pre-heated moderate (175°C) toaster oven for 30 minutes
- Uncover and bake for a further 10–15 minutes (optional)
- Drizzle with remaining yoghurt mixture before serving
Microwave method: at Step 4 place lamb and vegetables in a microwave proof dish and instead of Steps 6–7, cover tightly but with some venting, and microwave on high for 4–5 minutes. Let stand for 1–2 minutes.