Hero Veg: Green Beans

Go directly to recipes While species of vegetables that we also call beans, such as fava beans (also known as broad beans) and garbanzo beans (another name for chickpeas) originated around the Mediterranean, most of the beans we now know originated, like so many popular vegetables, in South and Central …

Hero Veg: Broccoli

Go directly to recipes A member of the cabbage family, broccoli has been cultivated in Italy since the early days of the Roman Empire, and was taken to the world by Italian emigrants who made it a favourite vegetable in Britain, Australia and North America. It is a particularly rich …

Hero Veg: Eggplant

Go directly to recipes Eggplants originated in China and India and have been cultivated there for thousands of years. The Spanish Moors introduced the eggplant into Southern and Eastern Europe where it became a popular addition to the diet. Named for its shape rather than for any other relationship, it …

Hero Veg: Leek

Go directly to recipes Closely related to onion and garlic, the leek is an ancient crop native to the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Archaeological evidence indicates that, by the second millennium BC, leek was a part of the diet in both Egypt and Mesopotamia. Leeks were eaten in …

Hero Veg: Sweet Potato

Go directly to recipes The sweet potato is a root crop which originated in the tropical regions of Central and South America. From there it has spread to Europe, Asia and Africa. However, while Christopher Columbus and his European compatriots get most of the credit for introducing New World vegetables …

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